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Thursday, February 23, 2017


So a while ago one of my friends, Lydia, made a post because of one of her friends, Adi, made a post called Dear.. Soooo naturally sense I have no original ideas here I am doing it.

Dear, Little Sister.
I sometimes really dislike you, its mostly because we share a room and I have anger issues. But all in all I love you.

Dear, Guy Who Brought Us Our Washing Machine.
You are the rudest person I will ever meet. I will never forgive you for talking on the phone while my Mom was trying to talk to you.. I very much dislike you.

Dear, Homie Dolphins (You will only get it if you know us).
Most of you I have know for a VERY long time, one of you before you were even born. I will never stop being your friend! GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!

Dear, Parents.
I love you sooooooooooo much, you are the best parents anyone could ever ask for.. Al-tho sense I am being honest.. You do get under my skin sometimes. But I LOVE YOUU!! 

Dear, Older Bro.
I love you too even though you don't pay much attention to me....... I like how you used to let me use your minecraft account before I got my own, and for that I Thank You.

Dear, Younger Bro.
Your birthday is soon and you want a gun.... Your turning four...... Well... Okay then.

Dear, Person Reading This.


    Great post! I loved reading it :)

    ~Lydia~ <3
